Wednesday, January 14, 2009


A student at St. Martha's School is a holistic person.

A. SPIRITUAL - A Committed and Faithful Catholic Who:
  1. Has a basic knowledge of the beliefs, practices, and teachings of the Catholic Church.
  2. Values a personal relationship with Jesus and applies Gospel values to everyday life.
  3. Models good behavior and has the ability to make moral choices.
  4. Has respect for God's creation and for life in all its forms.
  5. Actively worships with the faith community.

B. ACADEMIC - An Enthusiastic Life-Long Learner Who:

  1. Has a solid foundation in the basic skills of all academic disciplines.
  2. Applies critical thinking and problem solving skills to everyday life.
  3. Has developed organizational skills and responsibly carries tasks to completion.
  4. Is computer literate and uses technology for learning, research, and enjoyment.

C. SOCIAL/PSYCHOLOGICAL - An Integrated Individual Who:

  1. Demonstrates self-control and takes responsibility for his/her actions.
  2. Respects authority and obeys laws and rules with a conscience-based sense of right and wrong.
  3. Is able to work cooperatively with others demonstrating tolerance and respect.
  4. Is aware of global issues and responds according to his/her possibilities.
  5. Knows and applies strategies for peaceful conflict resolutions.
  6. Has a sense of self-worth and adjusts well to new situations, experiences, and people.
  7. Has an appreciation for the fine arts.

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