Friday, April 24, 2009

May 2009 Newsletter

MAY 2009


St. Martha’s School is committed to provide students with solid Catholic moral
values, high academic standards, and a strong sense of community.

Dear Parents,
The Blessed Virgin Mary occupies a special place in the Church, second only to that of Christ. Singularly blessed, Mary speaks significantly to our lives and needs in Her total love. The Church recognizes Her as the loving Mother and as its model and exemplar in faith and charity. During the month of May, which is dedicated especially to Mary, let us honor Her by reciting the Rosary together as a family. Remember that “The Family That Prays Together Stays Together.” (Fr. Patrick Peyton)

PARISH FIESTA - May 1-3 - Please remember that as stated in the Parent Contract, you are to work at the Parish Fiesta a minimum of 10 hours, 15 maximum. In the April Newsletter, you were informed that the sign-ups would take place Thursday, April 23rd, from 6:00 to 8:30 p.m. in Room 10. I would like to remind you that when you come to work, you must sign in and sign out for your shift in the “Volunteers’ Room” in order to get credit for your Hours. Also, please be reminded that only the person/s that is/are in the sign-up sheets will be allowed to work the Hours. No exceptions! We surely need your full cooperation in order to be more effective giving you credit for the Hours you worked. Please help make this year’s St. Martha’s Fiesta a big success. (We still need more eggshells for the confetti egg booth.)

PTO BOARD POSITIONS OPENINGS - Do you have good ideas that will help improve St. Martha’s School? Are you looking for ways to take a more active role in the education of your child/ren? You are then the person we are looking for. The positions that need to be filled are President, Vice-President, and Hours Coordinator. Please read the enclosed flyer carefully, mark it, and send it back to the school as soon as possible. (The elections will take place at the May PTO Meeting, May 14th.)

PTO MEETING - Thursday, May 14th at 7:00 p.m. - This will be our last meeting. Please try to attend as we will have the Board elections for the offices of President, Vice-President, and Hours Coordinator. If you are interested in running for any of these positions, please come forward and volunteer. We need you! The Cheerleaders and Grades 3, 6, and 7 will perform for you at the meeting.
PARENT AGREEMENT/CONTRACT FOR 2009-2010 - The Parent Agreement/Contract and the student fees are due Friday, May 8th. If you are not planning to send your child/ren to St. Martha’s School next year, please notify the school office so we can give your child’s/children’s place to a new student. Thank you!

IMPORTANT REMINDERS - As we are rapidly approaching the end of the school year, I would like to invite you to take some time to check the deadlines on the following:
SERVICE HOURS – Unworked Hours must be paid, $15.00 an Hour, by Friday, May 8th. (We still need help with lunch/playground supervision and with morning and afternoon traffic.)
SCRIP – Purchase June’s $300.00 or pay flat fee by Friday, June 1st.
EIGHTH GRADE PARENTS – The deadline for everything is Friday, May 8th.
NO CHECKS ACCEPTED – After May 8th, 2009, all payments must be made in cash, money order, or cashier’s check.

May our Blessed Mother bless you and your families.
Sr. Azucena

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