St. Martha’s School strives to provide students with solid Catholic moral values, high academic standards, and a strong sense of community.
Dear Parents
With Ash Wednesday we begin the season of Lent and our own journey into the desert. We will spend 40 days preparing for the death and resurrection of our Lord. Calling to mind our own sins, we do penance through prayer, fasting, and alms giving. This is the time when the challenge of our faith reaches its apex. The readings of our Lenten liturgies remind us of the evils among us, and our failure to follow God’s word. They also remind us of God’s forgiveness and his unconditional love. This is an essential period of humility for it is only in facing our sins and in accepting God’s forgiveness that we can renew our baptismal promise. As painful as it is to confront our sins, there is no time when we are closer to God than during Lent. Sharing in the Lord’s suffering prepares us for the oasis that awaits in the desert – the redemptive opportunity to choose love and charity over sin. It prepares us to receive the Savior who leads us to Easter life.
SPRING FUNDRAISER – March 3rd – 16th - Even though this school fundraiser is not mandatory, I would like to ask every parent to make an effort to participate. We surely appreciate all the help and support we can get. (Flyers and order forms will be sent home Tuesday, March 3rd.)
P.T.O. MEETING – Thursday, March 12th, at 7:00 p.m. - Please make an effort to attend our March P.T.O. Meeting on Thursday, March 12th. It is important that you know what is going on at school and we also need to get as much input from you as possible. The meeting will start promptly at 7:00 p.m. This will be a very short meeting as we will proceed with the OPEN HOUSE right after the meeting. Please be punctual!
OPEN HOUSE – Thursday, March 12th - You are cordially invited to come and see the great talent your child/ren have. Both, our teachers and our students are working very hard to prepare for this very special event. Show your interest and appreciation to them by coming to the Open House.
KIDS’ NIGHT OUT – Friday, March 20th - This year too we will have a special “night out” for our children. Let us make this night a memorable one for them. (Please read flyer enclosed.)
HEALTH FAIR – Friday, March 27th - The school will be having the Annual Health Fair Friday, March 27th, from 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Different workshops will be offered and students will be able to sign up for the ones that they are most interested in. (More information will be sent home at a later date.)
END OF THIRD QUARTER - Friday, March 27th - Report Cards will be sent home with the children Monday, March 30th. You can make an appointment with the teacher/s should you wish to discuss your child/ren progress with her. (Please be reminded that all your accounts must be current in order for your child to receive his/her report card.)
My deepest appreciation, parents, for all your contributions with time and treasure to the dinner we served the Homeless Friday, February 13th. My gratitude also to our students for their monetary donations for the food, as well as for the decorations, place mats, and cards they made to welcome our guests, the homeless. A big thank you to our waiters and waitresses, the eighth graders, who did such an outstanding job serving the food to our most special guests. Faculty, Staff, and everyone that helped make this evening a memorable and most special experience for all, thank you and may God bless you.
Love and prayers,
Sr. Azucena
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