Friday, February 6, 2009



St. Martha’s School strives to provide students with solid Catholic moral
values, high academic standards, and a strong sense of community.

“Peter, will you be my valentine?” “Jesus, you know everything. You know I want to be your valentine.”
Which is to say:
Will you let me give you my unconditional love?
Will you accept my peace for your tired and worn self?
Will you receive my mercy and forgiveness?
Will you be generous enough to take my love to others when they need you?
Will you be bread for the hungry, love to my needy, hope to my desolate?
Will you love yourself well and believe in the gifts I’ve given to you?
“Will you be my valentine? Will you be my friend?”
And so, I respond humbly, gratefully: “You know everything. You know I want to be your valentine.”
(Joyce Rupp)

I am pleased to inform you that once again this year the Catholic Education Foundation is offering tuition assistance to students who attend St. Martha’s School. Enclosed please find the Family Income Guidelines for Tuition Assistance and the Tuition Assistance Application Form, which must be filled out and returned to school no later than Monday, February 17th. Please send the Completed 2008 Income Tax Returns (1040’s) or the W-2 Form (2008) plus Completed Income Tax Returns (2007) along with the application form, as your information must be verified. Applications will not be processed after Monday, February 17th, since we have to meet the Foundation’s deadlines. Please act immediately if you qualify and are interested.

Thursday, January 29th, is the last day to re-register your child/ren for next September. As of February 1st, we will start accepting applications for new students. If we do not hear from you by January 31st, we will assume that your child’s/ren’s place can be given to a new student. (Please let family, friends, and neighbors know that we are now taking applications.)

Jesus continues to challenge us to carry out the Works of Mercy today. For those of you who do not know, I am happy to inform you that some Catholic and Protestant Churches in the area work with the East San Gabriel Valley Coalition for the Homeless during these winter months to provide food and sleeping space for the homeless. We will be able to make a powerful witness to the Gospel here at St. Martha’s by feeding and giving shelter to the Homeless, February 2nd–15th, from 6:00 p.m. –7:00 a.m. Each Parish Ministry has been invited to take one night to cook and serve dinner to the homeless, and to prepare a sack breakfast and lunch that they will take with them the next morning. The School offered to take Friday, February 13th. This will be our School Family Christian service night, and thus, we would like everyone to take an active role in such a noble cause. The children will be invited to participate by donating one dollar for the food, making place mats, decorating the hall, providing entertaining, serving dinner, etc. Parents will also be asked to help by donating different items and/or helping with the set up, cook, serve dinner, clean up, etc. This can be applied towards your Service Hours. More information will be sent home. (The Coalition is funded by the County and provides cots, blankets, insurance, buses and paid staff that is present at all times.)

My deepest appreciation to each and everyone of you for all your hard work and continuous support of our school functions. Please join us for Family Night at Shakey’s tomorrow, January 29th.

Love and prayers
Sr. Azucena

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